Coronavirus/Covid 19



  • Porsche Holding Salzburg decides on preventive measures

  • Focus on the health of employees, customers and the public

The Management Board of Porsche Holding Salzburg (PHS) has temporarily decided on a number of preventive measures, which are aimed at preventing any further spread of the corona virus. These regulations will apply until Easter for all of our 31,900 employees in the 29 markets in which PHS is active in automotive wholesale and retail.

For example, business trips to regions severely affected by the virus (ASEAN, Italy) will generally need to be avoided, and international travel will be reduced to the extent necessary.

All events involving more than 50 participants will not be attended and be postponed or cancelled.

Following consultation with the local dealerships or trade fair organisers, the participation of the Volkswagen Group brands at the spring fairs to take place in March, such as those in Salzburg, Linz, Graz and Klagenfurt, is being cancelled.

These measures will also affect the visiting of large external events as well as the holding of events and meetings exceeding the participant numbers mentioned above. These will also be postponed or cancelled.

All PHS dealerships and service operations representing the Volkswagen Group brands currently remain in full operation.

"We have decided on these comprehensive precautions with a view to minimising the risk of any possible infection with the coronavirus for our employees, clients and the public. We very much regret having to stay away from these important fixtures. March is actually one of the strongest months in the automotive trade. We hope to soon be able to return to normality in terms of our everyday business", says Dr Hans Peter Schützinger, CEO of the Porsche Holding Salzburg Management Board, adding, "the health of our employees takes priority."